Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka

Our story

The story of Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka began 50 years ago, when Peurunka was founded as a rehabilitation centre for veterans. Registered in 1968 with the name Korsuveljesten kuntouttamislaitoksen kannatusyhdistys, its goal was to build a rehabilitation centre, spa and occupational rehabilitation centre on the shore of lake Peurunka.

Kekkonen played a significant role in the story of Peurunka

President Urho Kaleva Kekkonen played an important role in the history of Peurunka. Peurunka was very dear to him, and he visited often. Politically non-committed Korsuveljesten kuntosäätiö failed to gain support from Finland’s Slot Machine Association, and an influential character was needed to secure Peurunka’s future. With Urho Kekkonen’s support, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela) stepped in to save the foundation in 1976. At this time, the name of the foundation was changed to Kuntoutumis- ja liikuntasäätiö Peurunka (Rehabilitation Centre Peurunka).

“For everyone stepping in through this door, we can offer advice and support for taking control of their own lives.”

Matti Puhakka, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation

The Foundation´s values


Strong traditions, a genuine Finnish story.


A modern environment for the continuous development of future services.

Evidence-based services

Decisions based on scientific knowledge and effectiveness.

Promotion of well-being

Increasing the diverse and holistic quality of life.


Public benefit thorough openness and long-term planning.

Management of funds and research for public benefit

Over the past 50 years, the Foundation has evolved through many stages. Kela is no longer involved in the foundation’s operation, and the supervisory board makes its own decisions about new members. The foundation has managed to create an environment where its subsidiary, Peurunka Oy, can operate successfully. Today, its activities consist of the management of funds and research activities for public benefit. The Foundation’s mission is to be a non-profit community that provides an affordable and appropriate environment for the delivery of high-quality well-being, health care and rehabilitation services.


Traditional research with a multidisciplinary perspective

Peurunka has long traditions in the fields of health, exercise and medical research. In particular, rehabilitation research has played a major role in Peurunka’s daily operations for decades. By applying research results to our work, we can continue to provide clients with better rehabilitation and other evidence-based services that promote well-being.

The research project register collects basic information as well as the main results of both ongoing and completed studies that Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka has actively participated in.

Research funding

Grants available through public application processes

Annually, Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka awards grants for research and thesis work through a public application process. To be applicable for a grant, the research activities must be in line with the goals and values of the foundation and meet current research and development needs. Grants are awarded to scientific research projects that are related to the promotion of well-being. This may include, alongside more traditional health research, for example, evidence-based welfare services with a multidisciplinary approach.

The funded projects must support the core values the foundation’s activities are built upon: the promotion of diverse and holistic well-being and quality of life through evidence-based methods, responsibility, tradition and renewal. Grants can be awarded to projects falling under any related branch of science.

JYPE research grant

Annually, Rehabilitation Foundation Peurunka and the University of Jyväskylä award research grants to encourage research collaboration. The funding is intended for research projects carried out by the University of Jyväskylä.



Heikki Karhu

Hallintoneuvoston puheenjohtaja

Seppo Sneck


Kaija Heikura

Vice Chairman of the Board

Markku Seppä

Chairman of the Board

Korsuveljie Rehabilitation Institute’s Support Association (Member/Vice Member)

Hannu Koskinen / Rauno Sauro
Social counselor / Exercise physiologist

Lauka municipality

Sakari Suomala / Eliisa Haimakka
Chairman of the Municipal Board / Member of the Municipal Board

Front veterans association

Heikki Karhu / Keijo Koivisto
Executive Director / Sotainvaliden Brotherhood of Soldiers

Erkki Fredrikson / Marko Vanninen
Chamber advisor / Merchant

Finnish War Veterans Association

Minna Nirkkonen / Pauliina Ylitalo
Business Controller historian / reporter


Other members (no member association obligation)

Pekka Antila / Kare Norvapalo
Director / Rehabilitation Institute Head / R&D

Jari Parkkari / Taija Juutinen
University of Jyväskylä / University of Jyväskylä
Professor of sports medicine / Professor, vice dean, sports science

Heljä Lundgrèn-Laine / Eva Pihlamaa-Tuononen
Central Finland welfare area / Central Finland welfare area
Head nurse / Responsible area manager

Petri Lehtoranta / Laura Härkönen
Central Finland Sports Association / Central Finland Sports Association
Regional manager / Club developer

Pekka Hokkanen / Hanna Kunttu
Union of Central Finland / Union of Central Finland
Regional Director / Director of Planning

Jukka Kentala / Pauliina Takala
Head of the unit / Managing Director

Tero Lakka / Pekka Räisänen
Law firm Tuomi / Lakka & Metsätähti Oy Pekka Räisänen Oy
