Opening hours
Check the opening hours of our services here. Due to holidays or seasonal changes, the times may differ from these. We try to inform about exceptions on this page. If you want, you can confirm the opening hours by contacting us.
Apollo Bar
Sun, Mon & Tue | Closed |
Wed-Thu | 17.00–00.00 |
Fri-Sat | 17.00–01.00 |
Sat | 17.00-01.00 |
Bistro Nemo
Cafeteria services | Mon – Fri 13.00 – 21.30 |
Sat 10.00 – 21.30 | |
Sun 10.00-21.00 | |
Food sales | Mon – Fri 13.00 – 21.00 |
Sat 12.00 – 21.00 | |
Sun 12.00-20.00 |
Peurankello Peurunkapöytä bufee
Dinner | Fri-Sat 17.00-21.00 |
Spring menu
Wed-Sat Apollo Bar | 17.00-21.30 |
Fri-Sat Peurankello | 17.00-21.30 |
Breakfast | Mon-Sun 7.00-10.00 |
Home cooked lunch | Mon-Fri 11.00-13.00 |
Home cooked dinner | Mon-Thu 16.00-18.00 |
The spa’s sauna and pool department
Mon-Thu | 09.00-20.00 |
Fri-Sat | 09.00-21.00 |
Sun | 09.00-20.00 |
Bowling and equipment rental
Mon-Thu | 09.00-20.00 |
Fri-Sat | 09.00-21.00 |
Sun | 09.00-20.00 |
Mon-Thu | 09.00-20.00 |
Fri-Sat | 09.00-21.00 |
Sun | 09.00-20.00 |